Friday, January 29, 2010

Aggravation Over Legislature's Actions or Inaction

Aggravation Over Legislature's Actions or Inaction

Illinois Legislature

It is extremely aggravating to me that our legislators are not working towards budget resolution and state payments to our school districts!
This is all going on simply to assist in getting re-elected by keeping as quiet as possible before the primary this February 2nd.

We have schools struggling to make payroll, buy books, fund programs and are having to layoff teachers and faculty.

I'm not saying that it is specifically our local districts legislators that are at fault here, but the legislature as a whole is to blame and Michael Madigan.

I understand it will take some difficult decisions and not everyone will be happy with the choices, but please make some kind of action happen. Things are not good!

- John Bracamontes

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Health Care Bill and Massachusetts

Massachusetts and Health Care

health care

So Scott Brown won the Senate Seat in Massachusetts on one platform, "I will vote against the Health Care Bill".
Now it may be that some Americans do not want Health Care Reform, and it may be that Scott Brown won due to the fact that Massachusetts has already implemented their own reform for Health Care.

Here is the ironic part: By Massachusetts wanting to elect a candidate who would not jeopardize their Health Reforms that they love so much, they are keeping the rest of the Country who wants some sort of reform from getting it.

This is politics at its best.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Frank Miles for Madison County Treasurer

Frank Miles is the newly appointed Treasurer of Madison County Illinois. Be sure to give him your support this November at the polls.

Frank was the Director of the Madison County Planning and Development Department before taking this position and is very good at working to better the state of our county.

Find out more about Frank Miles at